Harel Switch App / Redesign concept

This was actually my interview homework...

I was asked to suggest a redesign for the current Harel Switch App User Interface.

The Problems with the current interface design

On the main screen (right screenshot) there is currently a visual load because of several pointsattracting the eyes into different directions at the same time.The relatively anemic color in most areas of the screen makes it difficult to understand the hierarchy,there is not enough colorful separation, and there is not enough free or "breathing" white space either.The iconic language is also unclear, there is a mixed line of icons of different weights that creates anon-uniform experience.While the large background picture with the vehicle and the buildings in the middle section of thescreen (which is anyway emphasized due to its strong colors) is decorative, it is unnecessaryand contributes to the visual load.The bottom of the screen that recommends buttons redirecting to different areas in the systemseems unclear and quite unnecessary.On the inner screen (left screenshot) the hierarchy is also very unclear and there is no consistentline of the visual language. It is not obvious either whether the icons are clickable, whether theyare buttons or decoration, and if they do open something up then where does it open?

The solution / design process

After scribbling dozens of sketches on draft pages, I finally chose my direction!
From the colors of the brand logo, I created the color palette for the interface.
The font chosen for the task was Google's excellent Rubik font, which is a cool, clean,and very versatile Hebrew font.
I am not someone to copy and paste from other people's designs, I like to create my own designs and buildevery line and icon myself. In short, I started with an initial design of icons that would speak the same language,which I continued applying to the App screens.
My goal was first to reduce the clutter on the main screen by disassembling the main screen into two screens,or rather by hiding parts that currently create clutter and confusion in the interface, which are the top tab areaand the bottom area that try to motivate the user to action.I decided that I would put these two areas under a central action button, an action button that opens a screenwith all the key system buttons and frees up a lot of breathing space on the screen.I decided to solve the visual shading with an illustration design line that will speak a similar languagethroughout the app screens.
In the internal insurance screen, I suggested scrolling in the lower area showing the different insuranceproducts (with the newest being displayed first).